Friday, June 7, 2013

Hello! Reading Responses...

Hi again! I'm soooooooooo sorry I haven't been blogging for almost a year, but honestly, I've either forgotten or else been too busy :-(. However, at my school we have to read 25 books each year (I always read more like 250). But in order to actually prove that we have read those books, we have to write reading responses. I wrote quite a few in third grade (the requirement was a short summary), a lot in fourth grade (first quarter requirements were one paragraph answering one question from a list of questions, second quarter requirements were one paragraph answering one question from a list of questions and one paragraph summary, third quarter requirements were one paragraph answering one question from a list of questions and one paragraph summary, and so on), and more in fifth grade (requirements were choosing five questions from a list of questions and answering them). I've decided to just copy them (or as many as I can find) more or less how I wrote them, and I'll say what books were from which grade so you get the idea of what grade-level they are.

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