Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I won my first writing contest!

I've won my first writing contest! There was an essay contest at my school about healthy living, and I entered. I won! A local newspaper reporter came and took our picture (me and the 6 other kids that entered), so I'll be in the newspaper soon! And I can't wait to buy some books with my Barnes & Noble gift card prize! Here's my essay:

Healthy Living
By Eden Fisher

            In order to survive, we need some important things including food, sleep, and exercise. But if you have too much or too little of these resources, it’s hard to survive, which is why you need to find a healthy balance.
            You know what having a good balance with nourishing and “junk” food means: not eating candy all the time, making sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, etc. Even though green beans are healthy, don’t eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because you need a diet full of variety. And make sure you don’t eat TOO much food of any kind.
Going along with the topic of balance, if you sleep too much or too little, believe it or not, it’s bad for you. If you sleep too little, obviously, your body doesn’t have the energy it needs to operate, but if you sleep too much, you become sluggish and lazy, and don’t get as much exercise. This can cause diabetes and obesity.
Regarding exercise, make sure you have enough of it. And then again, make sure you don’t have too much. Now you’re probably thinking, that sounds ridiculous!, but there is such thing as exercising too much. You know what happens when someone doesn’t exercise: they become overweight and potentially lazy. If someone over exercises, their body starts burning muscle instead of fat, which isn’t healthy.
So, in order to live a healthy life, you must find a balance in these areas.


  1. This is kind of odd because I didn't REALLY know about some of this stuff, so I looked stuff up. And then I won.

  2. OMG!!!! That is way cool!!!!!! Great job!!!!! ;)

  3. Great essay Eden! You are quite witty with your words!
    Amy Stroup at IFH :)

  4. I am proud of you for entering, Eden! Great job!

  5. Congratulations, Eden! Great essay!

  6. Love the topic and love your talent!!! rock on!!

  7. I'm so glad you entered, even if it was at the last minute. You did a great job of researching and then writing it up. Getting to the exact word limit was pretty cool too!
