Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Seven Chairs, Part 2

   Last time...
When Hummy turned to tell Bob that the Good Knight was here, Bob had vanished...

   This time...
Bob was actually in a room that he had seen the Good Knight come out of. Now the Good Knight had happened to be wearing muddy boots which tracked mud all over the carpet. Bob followed these tracks and ended up in front of a door that read "MAGIC STOREROOM." This was what Bob had benen looking for. For Bob Smith had a trick up his sleeve; it was for his own good, and no one else's. Bob stepped into the room and gasped. For inside the room were rows and rows and rows and ROWS of bottles, each filled with sparkling gold things, floating around. There was only one window in the room, so it was dark in the room, but not too dark. Labeled on each bottle were instructions. Bob read one. It said:

DIRECTIONS: to make something fly, you must pour the contents of this whole bottle onto a object. Let dry for 30 seconds, and WHA-LAATo make it fly, sit on the object, or put a heavy weight on it. You're flying!!!!!!!!
Bob Smith was so excited, he couldn't speak. Then he started grabbing the magic flying bottles right and left, but he only managed to grab seven when the door burst open and the Good Knight and Hummy came in. Bob was so surprised; he almost dropped all the bottles. Then the Good Knight shouted, "Grab him Hummy! He's a THEIF!!!!!!!!!!!"

Hear more soon! And I really like your feedback, so comment away! :-)

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